Updated: 7 February 2025
The PanAm 103 Air-Tragedy
Disclosure of "Lockerbie Affair"
Link: Prof. Robert Black's Breaking News |
Link: http://www.facebook.com/edwin.bollier |
Link: UTA 772 aircrash |
Link: https://pt35b.wordpress.com |
Link: https://twitter.com/optium22 |
Archive 2002 >> 2025
7 Feb, 2025
The moment of truth in the ‘Lockerbie affair’ is approaching!

The Film, based on a four-part series on SKY, written and directed by John Dower, raises new questions about dubious events, such as:
Why was former FBI Special Agent Richard A. Marquise, who led the US task force - including the CIA - so certain that he could "let the cat out of the bag" nearly 20 years before a legally valid court ruling? He stated that there would probably have been no charges against Libya without the MST-13 timer fragment that was allegedly found.
Marquise was evidently connected to the "disinformation resident group" - including , filmmaker Ken Dornstein, FBI Agent Phil Read, Mr. William Barr, and others - which appears to be morally supported by Syracuse University.
Mr. Marquise's impressive show performances regarding the "Lockerbie/Pan Am 103 case" against Libya, previously available via film links on platforms such as X and Facebook, were removed by him after an email exchange with Edwin Bollier about six months ago. However, two links remains active:*
Additional Questions:
Was the unknown man ("THIRD MAN") who visited Edwin Bollier/MEBO Ltd. on Friday, 30 December 1988, and urged Bollier to write a letter to the CIA sent by a specific group, person, or institution? This remains unclear and has never been seriously investigated.
Why does Marquise deny, in the "Lockerbie SKY" film episodes, that he made an offer to Edwin Bollier at FBI headquarters in Washington - an offer that included $4 million, allegedly donated by the pilot community - which Bollier rejected?
It is true that Bollier initially confused his name with Buck Revell, but he officially apologized to the FBI for this at an early stage.
* LINK 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlf6-7QI488
* LINK 2) https://news.sky.com/iframe/widget/video/3504467
stay tuned...
by PRIVAT INVESTIGATOR, FACT-FINDING COMMITTEE Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd Telecommunication Switzerland
6 Jan, 2025
Deepl. translated German /English
INTEL TODAY announces on 4 January 2025:
"The tragedy of Lockerbie is extremely complex, and most people lack the time or energy to delve into its many layers. It is therefore imperative to boil the story down to its essence.
INTEL TODAY announces on 4 January 2025:
"The tragedy of Lockerbie is extremely complex, and most people lack the time or energy to delve into its many layers. It is therefore imperative to boil the story down to its essence.

The Lockerbie case begins and ends with PT/35(b) – a fragment of a timing fuse allegedly linked to Libya and allegedly found in the wreckage of Pan Am 103.
If you can prove that PT/35(b) was faked and planted at Lockerbie, the entire case against Libya collapses. That is the essential truth, the only way forward. Full stop. I wish my friends and colleagues would recognise this simple fact."
MEBO is sure that after 36 years of deliberate ‘Scottish’ cover-up, the new evidence that has come to light will lead the Lockerbie case away from Libya and Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, in a different direction.
Link: Inteltoday
MEBO & Edwin Bollier, will prove to the ‘criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice’ that the fragment of the MST13 timer (PT35/b)

that was allegedly found is a case of evidence tampering, supported by important manipulated documents that were shown in court in Camp Zeist in 2000/01; – as can be proven today!
The big evidence of fraud at Frankfurt Airport. The obviously negligent investigations by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) at Frankfurt Airport must be reopened from the beginning! There is no proof that an unaccompanied suitcase from Malta with flight KM 180, was reloaded in Frankfurt on PanAm 103/A!
Lord Sutherland's deputy lawyer, Mr CAMPBELL, also proves to be an expert in deliberately confusing the ‘Lockerbie concept’ and in deliberately and criminally misrepresenting a crucial piece of ‘hardware’!
The influential ‘coordinator’, morally supported by Syracuse University, Mr Ken Dornstein, who blamed the attack on Pan Am flight 103 to Libya, has to prove his claims and the show with former US attorney William Barr on 12 May 2025 in front of the court in the US District of Columbia!
Not to mention the crimes committed by ‘Operation SANDWOOD’ to the moral and financial detriment of LIBYA, Abdelbaset Ai Megrahi, MEBO AG, Edwin Bollier, Malta Airway's and others!
stay tuned...
by PRIVAT INVESTIGATOR, FACT-FINDING COMMITTEE Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd Telecommunication Switzerland